明天9.26移民大决战:Mike Lee宣布周四UC,号召向Durbin施压扫除障碍。我们要去DC紧急支援!!!

9.25周三下午,Mike Lee通过Town Hall和支持者讲话。他宣布9.26周四再次进行“一致同意” Unanimous Consent(UC)。Lee表示已和Perdue达成协议,Perdue不再反对;并直接指出,明天UC最可能的反对者是来自伊利诺伊州的参议员 David Durbin。Lee 请他的支持者以各种方法给Durbin 施压。


# 请全美不希望法案通过的华人,明天尽全力赶赴DC,给Durbin反对的底气!大华盛顿地区的同胞们,请邀请你的邻居和朋友,一定参加。# 异地的大家也想办法去!

【法律解读】任何身份都能去,宪法修正案保护美国境内每个人类的freedom of speech。



【地点】Hart Senate Office Building:120 Constitution Ave NE, Washington, DC 20002

【组织群】App Store下载Telegram,浏览器点击:https://t.me/dcsaolou924

如果你不能去现场支援Durbin,请你现在就行动,挖地三尺找伊利诺伊州的朋友,同学,联系UIUC 和芝加哥大学,西北大学和其他大学的校友,让他们直接给校长写邮件,打电话!

Mike Lee很狡猾。没准他会调虎离山,声东击西。我们必须一万个小心,不能最后关头给他送分。我们不能把赌注都下在Durbin身上。







Mike Lee Town Hall 演讲原文

So the fairness for high-skilled immigrants act, is something that will get rid of that per country arbitrary cap that is really discriminatory and unfair for certain people from certain countries, including, and especially those from INDIA, who are applying for an employment based green card. To answer your question, AQ, yes I brought that up last week, it drew an objection from my friend and colleague David Perdue from Georgia. I spent the entire week working with senator Perdue, trying to iron out his objection. This is a little bit like a racquetball. Every time I think I found the way to solve the situation. We’ve been through 5 or 6 iterations just last few months alone, that we’ve thought we’ve identified the last objector, then we negotiated a fix, and changed to it. The same happened this week with David Perdue. In fact, it was just a few hours ago. Over lunch, David Perdue and I negotiated the language, that he is acceptable to both sides. I’m gonna bring that up. I’m gonna seek unanimous consent again tomorrow, to try to pass this bill into law tomorrow. We are concerned about the possibility of an objection being brought forward by my colleague senator Dick Durbin from Illinois. I hope that Mr Durbin does not decide to bring about an objection. Mr Durbin is a friend of mine. He and I work together on a number of issues. So if you happen to know Mr Durbin, or know anyone who is close to him, or who he might listen to, please encourage him to not object to unanimous consent passage of the fairness for high-skilled immigrants act. If he doesn’t object, then we can get this thing pass, and we can get a pass tomorrow.

Mike Lee和他的金主真是把我们折磨的“死去活来”。这次他给了我们不到24小时来组织行动。我们必须承认,这是非常大的挑战!希望社区战友守望相助,共克时艰!

